Build Hugo Github

Publish date: 2019-05-27

Build a website by Hugo and Deployed to Netlify.

Hugo Local setup

hugo new site lgann-website
cd lgann-website
git init
git submodule add themes/cayman
hugo new post/
hugo new posts/


baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-CN"
#languageCode = "en-us"
title = "LGANN's Blog Website"
theme = "cayman"
defaultContentLanguage =      "zh-CN"
hasCJKLanguage =             true 

# Google analytics
# OBgoogleAnalytics = "UA-123456789-1"

# Disqus comments
#disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"

# Syntax highlighting
pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsStyle = "pygments"

  tag = "tags"

  post = "/:filename/"


  author = "Louis Gan"
  github = "lgann"

  # Header text, can be markdown
  project_name = "LGANN Blog"
  project_tagline = "New Start"

  # Date format for post list and single pages
  # For more date formats see
  dateFormat = "2006-01-02"

  # Footer text, can be markdown
  footer = "Made with [Hugo]( Themed by [Cayman]( Deployed to [Netlify]("

  # If true, the CSS/JS for Katex math typesetting are enabled
  katex = true

  # Breakpoints
  large_breakpoint = "64em"
  medium_breakpoint = "42em"

  # Header colors
  header_heading_color = "#fff"
  header_background_color = "#159957"
  header_background_color_secondary = "#155799"

  # Text colors
  section_headings_color = "#159957"
  body_text_color = "#606c71"
  body_link_color = "#1e6bb8"
  blockquote_text_color = "#819198"

  # Code colors
  code_background_color = "#f3f6fa"
  code_text_color = "#567482"

  # Border colors
  border_color = "#dce6f0"
  table_border_color = "#e9ebec"
  hr_border_color = "#eff0f1"

    name = "Blog"
    url = "/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Tags"
    url = "/tags/"
    weight = 2
    name = "About"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = 3
    name = "RSS"
    url = "/index.xml"
    weight = 4

hugo server -D
#visit http://http://localhost:1313 to test the website

Deployed to GIthub

create lgann-website-hugo repo at github

create repo at githu

cd public
git init
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_lgann -F /dev/null"
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_lgann -F /dev/null"
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master

Deployed To netlify


在 GitHub 部署 Hugo 靜態網站

Hugo 从入门到会用

A Step-by-Step Guide: Victor-Hugo on Netlify